And for the reader, they also share a host of familial traits.
The geneticist - Janequin - knew how to induce cosmetic differences between Cal and Dan's makeup, enough so that people would see only the expected familial traits.
It is frequently seen in older patients but not infrequently, it is seen in young people as a familial trait.
In 2007 Szatmari et al. suggested a new classification system of ASD based on familial traits found by genetic epidemiology.
Most cases of this disorder are sporadic although some clinical researchers believe that there is a familial or hereditary trait associated with AIPS-II.
Eugenides also used the allusions to Greek mythology and modern pop music to show the passing of familial traits and idiosyncrasies from one generation to the next.
Did Sec and Analyst arrive at similar solutions without communicating due to the connection of familial trait, or only because they applied a desperation stemming from equal failures?
The Abh think that it is important to have and maintain unique clan or familial genetic/physical traits and traditions throughout the story.
For me, it's a familial trait.
Cooking together is a carefully orchestrated ballet in which restraint and respect temper the clash of familial traits.