And there is some droll banter between Mr. Bachchan and his father, Amitabh, who plays the same familial role in the film.
Even still, studies show that both men and women in West Germany, Great Britain and the United States prefer a primary familial role for women when they have young children.
Or the denial of familial roles by ambitious women of the 70's and 80's?
Whatever the nature of his physical relations with them, psychologically they fulfilled a crucial familial role when his own family was darkened by insanity, disease and early deaths.
Many critics have compared it to her first two works, "Indiana" and "Valentine" due to their specific interest in women's equality, including the legal rights, education, and familial roles of women.
Patient health decisions can be influenced by religious beliefs, mistrust of Western medicine, and familial and hierarchical roles, all of which a white provider may not be familiar with.
As some men have assumed familial roles like food preparation and childcare, they have become sensitized to the difficulties women experience.
The familial roles of men are perceived as being limited to providing economic support and occasional discipline, yet men are commonly seen to be inadequate even in these limited roles.
Over and over, McTeer portrays a Nora with a capacity for feeling she herself refuses to recognize and a capacity for insight frustrated by her familial role.
Under the traditional Chinese patriarchy structure, the society was male-dominated, and women had a relatively subordinate familial role.