However, he was a good friend of the more famed writer and recently deceased Ashton Doyne.
At the latter is where he met famed Peruvian writer Abraham Valdelomar.
The city, like many places with ties to the famed American writer, is trying to cash in on his fame.
For the longest time, I assumed this bulb was named for the famed Russian writer, Pushkin.
This classic of Argentinian cinema was followed by another collaboration with the famed writers Les Aultres in 1974.
I will grant that famed writers make mistakes; even Homer noodled.
His brother was the famed writer and psychic researcher Hereward Carrington.
He was Sicily's greatest and most famed writer of the 17th century.
This book was instrumental in introducing the famed Turkish writer to the English-speaking world.
Many famed writers have been demystified in books about the hotel.