The speaker casing and supporting struts were designed by famed German designer Dieter Rams.
Even Mr. Pfister, the famed designer, requested an appointment on a recent trip to New York.
The company hired some of the best design talent available, including famed industrial designers like Raymond Loewy and Brooks Stevens.
They are also places filled with mysteries solved, of celebrity owners and famed designers.
Possibly inspired by Appia, the famed theatrical designer, the steps create an architecture of pure fluid movement through open space, unencumbered by walls, roofs and interior enclosures.
"When Sergio Scaglietti runs his hand over a car he designed, he's seeing an old friend," she said, referring to the famed designer.
Licensing deals with other companies had turned jeans and underwear into hot sellers for the famed designer, but cosmetics had continued to languish.
Even the avant-garde ones, like the famed Italian-born industrial designers Massimo and Lella Vignelli.
Robert Stevenson (8 June 1772 - 12 July 1850) was a Scottish civil engineer and famed designer and builder of lighthouses.
The band's name honors famed designers Charles and Ray Eames.