Early fame and fortune often seem to send people over the top.
In a voice-over, Madonna expresses the difficulty she has going back home, especially since fame seems to change one's loved ones.
Just as fame and fortune seem upon him, he always seems to slip away.
And his short-lived fame seems to be doing him little good.
And so lasting did fame seem to those who sought it.
But even when Martineau met her, in the 1830s, that fame seemed to belong to a bygone era.
The fame and stardom seems to be going over his head.
The fame of the Vieux-Colombier seemed to reach its apogee in the 1922/23 season.
In 1840s, his fame seems to have dimmed; he lost most of his political supporters and fell into poverty.
The fame of your Texian discovery seems to grow by the day, sir.