She felt her heart falter once, skipping a beat, and then another.
It can't let that falter once the final version ships.
I faltered once last year, on a day when he seemed unusually alert, almost his old bombastic self.
And they only faltered once to Portadown, who pushed them hard all season.
Falter once or twice, and trouble (Chicago) most likely awaits them in the second round.
He never faltered once, and then suddenly it was all over.
Capt. John never suffered the talk to flag or falter once during the hundred and twenty miles of the journey.
He faltered once, then locked the weight above his head.
She couldn't have conceived of this back in the summer, but one day everything had fallen into place, and she hadn't once faltered since.
She could not avoid him, and after faltering once she marched on, pulling out a pistol.