Relying on private financing suggests falsely that sports programs benefit only children actually on a team.
It is not being used correctly in order to falsely suggest something entirely different and discreditable was going on.
Guns with large magazines falsely suggest that the more ammunition, the higher the odds of hitting the target.
The tests also falsely suggested that cancer existed in about 16 percent of men studied.
In her first pregnancy, a blood test falsely suggested a birth defect so her doctors recommended amniocentesis, which found the fetus to be normal.
And why do the figures mislead us into pluralistic ignorance, falsely suggesting mandatory weakness?
Because it is often made of perishable materials, surviving objects tend to be recent, suggesting falsely that the art itself lacks a history.
The article falsely suggests that potential safety concerns were overruled.
The church said the prosecutor's public announcement falsely suggested guilt even before a court could hear any of the charges.
The Court held that wares whose name falsely suggests its character or quality can be prevented from selling the product under that name.