This image is falsely named 'Peruvian-Inca-Orchid' and shows in fact a "Chinese Crested Dog".
What might the consequences be, either for someone correctly named, or for someone falsely named?
Two victims from Alaska 261 were falsely named in paternity suits as the fathers of children in Guatemala in an attempt to gain insurance and settlement money.
Mathis spoke out after he was falsely named in an Associated Press wire story to have co-founded a legal defense fund for Kilpatrick.
"Henson would never have authorized this T-shirt, in which Kermit is colored a lurid neon green and 'Disney' is falsely named the copyright owner," the lawsuit states.
For the next four years, OLG ignored Edmonds' inquiries after the clerk and her husband were falsely named the rightful winners.
At least one person, however, was falsely named, and that is at the heart of a growing controversy over balancing the need for deterrence against the rights of the accused.
After Roy drops two aggressive silver dollars into the tank, they go to work in gouging out the eye of the smaller iridescent shark (tame and defenseless, thus falsely named, Roy observes).
--newly assigned, from the look of them, and incompetents all, in ships falsely named?
Ben was falsely named by Today Tonight as being involved in "vote-rigging" and was the first of 4 in a row who were eliminated.