He would be a false version of Eric, an Eric cheated out of his true life.
By this time MI6 and the government had got their act together and decided to leak a false version of events to the public.
The notion that he did is due to Fried, who gave a flawed proof of a false version of the result.
Americans, he observed, don't seem to care that their neighbors hold to false versions of the faith.
And moments later he continued, "Are you saying that you decided it was appropriate to put out a false version of the facts?"
Later, Nields used the phrase the chronology with the false version in it .
He then followed with a question, staying with this stronger phrase false version .
Once Nields had used false version , he stayed with that for a while.
After all, you don't want them falling in love with a false version of you.
The Modality has released a false version of events, making it sound as though we're the victims of old-human aggression.