They think prosecutors perpetuate false stereotypes of Muslims as bomb-carrying killers.
When people see these emerald marvels they will no longer be able to maintain false stereotypes regarding libraries as anachronistic relics from an analog age.
This is something I want to clearly state: this is a false stereotype.
"I know there's a false stereotype out there that our president wants to go it alone, rush into war," he said.
Proponents of the resident state trooper program say such an assessment is based on a false stereotype of Connecticut's rural towns.
"A false negative stereotype, which can feed into bigotry."
"There are so many false stereotypes out there about the non-reading habits of the American public."
Both the Americans and the Soviets seemed anxious to believe that their press had fed them false stereotypes of each other.
In Europe, there are still misapprehensions and false stereotypes surrounding the issue of violence against women and children.