The file that perhaps has drawn the most attention turned out to be little more then a collection of press clippings and false sightings.
Within seconds, the shriek became a laugh, and a row of strangers bonded over a false rodent sighting.
Numerous false sightings appeared for decades thereafter, as late as 1935 when she would have been 51, but no conclusive evidence was ever proven as to her fate.
It's a vision, a false sighting.
Already, there have been false sightings of Mr. Carter, including one last Sunday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
The eventful voyage also saw many alarms over false sightings of what were thought to be enemy submarines and torpedoes.
It has been confused with a House Finch and many novice bird watchers claim false sightings.
A week, this lasts: a week of curfews, false sightings, beatings of the rush beds.
Such false sightings occurred repeatedly though later, as U-boat commander, I was occasionally to find such false sightings very helpful, particularly off the Florida coast.
The BBC gave little prominence to the possible Belgian sighting, on the basis that there have been many previous false sightings.