In an instant, false recollections were forgotten.
He had a recollection, both dim and false, of having jumped another gun - The Shadow's - with at least a temporary success.
You see, what's happening is that my memory is being jogged by all this, but Picard's book has put some false recollections in my mind.
And I understand what you mean about false recollections as a result of having recently read the book.
One elderly patient with frontal-lobe damage was found to be highly susceptible to false recollections.
Caelum instead, imposes a memory block upon Drago, and creates a false recollection of him brutally murdering his sister.
Hypnosis has been shown to increase the number of recollections a person has, but this applies to both real and false recollections.
She might have fallen asleep near the creek in the deep mingled sounds of the forest, so like the false "recollection" of years ago.
Katie feels so close to you that she wants to live up to your expectations, even if it means coming up with a false recollection.
They'd implant a set of false recollections to cover the missing days, and you'd never know the difference.