Some people used to compare shamanic actions to that of false deity.
And you see us as false deities with a hidden price.
But a fitter fate occurred to me for this false deity.
Also this false deity show many magic practices and also many miracles.
Those that have accepted false deities will suffer in the afterlife.
In no other way could he show more clearly and mockingly his contempt for riches, the false deity of businessmen.
Prohibition of idolatry: You shall not have any idols or false deities.
Yes, now that you mention it, the priest in our church did often refer to you as one of the false deities.
Abivard had high hopes for that one: surely the God was stronger than the false deities of good and evil in whom the Videssians believed.
He was, he decided, developing a whole religious faith around the absolutism of genetics, and he hoped it wasn't a false deity.