First and foremost a false conception of greatness, based on the prestige of might and conquest.
And because we borrowed the term from photo-chemistry, it has to lead to false conceptions, which makes the process even more incomprehensible... to a layman!
Antonio Gramsci uses cultural hegemony to explain why the working-class have a false ideological conception of what are their best interests.
Any new idea, in order to be accepted, must fight for its place by knocking down all the old, false conceptions that disagree with it.
The false conceptions that facilitated those observations would now be replaced by the notions of attractive and repulsive forces acting at a distance, leading to quite different observation reports.
They caused fellows of your sort to form a false conception of the nature of a secret service fund.
He asked his people to reject the "false conception that the Emperor is divine and that the Japanese people are superior to other races."
Superstition has been described as "the incorrect establishment of cause and effect" or a false conception of causation.
It involved a contradiction in terms, as the very idea of phantasia implied the possibility of false as well as true conceptions of the same object.
Everybody on board, including Perry Rhodan and Khrest, had a false conception regarding the size of Siliko 5.