Separately, federal officials are investigating hundreds of people believed to have used false Social Security numbers to obtain credit cards and steal money.
Before Sept. 11, it was unusual for the government to imprison anyone on a charge of having obtained a false Social Security number.
They'll get a false Social Security number.
In 1987, he was convicted of using a false Social Security number to secure a $175,000 home mortgage.
He had used a false Social Security number to change his identity.
Both have been working under their own names, although Alex (as Americans call him) used a false Social Security number.
The company booked the room under a false name and used a false Social Security number to conceal the transaction, the document states.
Contrary to numerous published reports, there is no evidence the hijackers ever used false Social Security numbers to open any bank accounts.
Like more than seven million such W-2 forms nationwide, hers bore a false Social Security number.
"We've expanded the system to detect the false Social Security numbers, and we have fraud investigators on site in the welfare centers," she said.