They may be a little fast, but I'm quite certain Elizabeth won't fall violently in love with more than one or two of them.
That night while the snow fell violently, a beautiful girl came to the couple's house.
The suspect fell violently to the ground, breaking an arm and two ribs.
Bellamy took the ball, but caused Dempsey to fall to the ground pretty violently.
Worse, no one else had realized what the great screens were doing to her until she fell violently ill.
Once the natives saw that the town was taken, they fell violently upon the attackers.
At these last words the rain and hail fell violently on the balcony.
I stepped on it, and fell violently on my face.
It was rain falling violently, and crisping the surface of the waves.
Richard fell violently back against the cold iron pillar, and slumped to the floor.