They fell stiffly to the floor, motionless except for their eyes, which rotated to stay fixed on the television screen.
The trunk of the storyteller stood for a moment and then fell stiffly forward.
Symptoms include extreme muscle tension (stiffness or hypertonia) that can cause the affected person to fall stiffly, like a log, without loss of consciousness.
He split open a helmet and saw blood and brains come gushing out as the man fell stiffly out of his saddle.
Promero came reeling out into the corridor and fell stiffly before them.
Then oblivion deepened about him, and he fell forward stiffly, without knowing that he had fallen.
The victim falls stiffly, like a tree being felled.
He tried to rise and fell back stiffly in his chair.
He knew that he fell stiffly where he stood.
He fell stiffly forward, hit the edge of the desk and slid along it to the floor, without lifting his hands.