During the 1976-77 season, attendance fell to below 4,500 per game.
The actual number out of work and receiving benefit fell last month by 3,010 to 2,707,477 or 9.6 per cent.
Inflation was "at or close to" its peak and would soon start to fall back towards the Bank's two per cent target, he said.
In June he fell just short, with 44 per cent of the vote and 145 seats out of 300.
Last month it fell to just over 4 per cent.
Since 2001, it fell back to only US$5.1 per capita in 2003.
In the 20 months after the law went into effect, that number fell to an average of 226 per month.
At first the service was profitable, but the number of emigrants fell to below 2,000 per year in 1962.
As rain falls only once per decade in some areas, water is more precious than gold.
In the west the average number of those involved in agriculture fell to around 74 per cent.