They will roll it up and take it away if you fall behind on payments or happen to die.
In October, the airport cancelled the lease after the airline fell behind on payments; the airline had not started service at that point.
And not only do they pay more for loans, they get harsher treatment if they fall behind on payments.
The partnership had fallen behind on payments on a $15 million mortgage on the property.
For instance, time after time it has fallen months behind on payments to day care centers and baby sitters.
And he is quick to repossess cars whose owners fall behind on payments.
People who pay only the minimum generate considerable interest revenue for the card issuer, but they are also more likely to fall behind on payments.
Do not wait until falling behind on payments to broach the subject with the lender, financial planners and others advise.
Instead, they fell behind on payments, declared bankruptcy and closed the restaurant in June 1990.
Panama faces a $350 million budget deficit and has fallen behind on payments of principal and interest owed to foreign governments.