Dad isn't hurt, but a piling falls on his leg and traps him on the beach just as the tide is coming in.
One day while he was sweeping, a pile of marble fell on his leg and hip.
A linesman fell on his leg, which was badly injured.
Her hand fell softly on his leg, and the pressure of her fingers burned into his flesh.
Worst was a few months ago, when the new millstone fell on his leg and gave it a real ugly break.
For one crazy moment he thought, This is how Alvin felt when that millstone fell on his leg.
However, after five minutes, an opposing player tackled Vela and he fell awkwardly on his right leg.
Tom fell twice and then, around quarter past eight, Stu fell on his bad leg.
Mutchler's breath hissed in pain as part of Uhura's weight fell on his broken leg.
He went down in a pile and a linebacker fell on his leg.