The three-ton spacecraft, known formally as the Solar Maximum Mission satellite, is slowly but inexorably falling out of orbit, descending at a rate of more than half a mile a day.
Derec rolled his eyes to the sky in exasperation; the clouds glowed bright red, as if the planet were inexorably falling toward a giant star.
The spotlight in the trial inexorably fell upon the 36-year-old Mr. Landis, who has built a reputation in Hollywood as a talented and sometimes brash director.
Out on the ragged streets, friend after friend seemed to fall inexorably into similar dismal traps.
But the whip fell and fell inexorably.
Even so, the project fell inexorably behind schedule.
World records have been falling inexorably over the last century.
Fertility rates had been falling inexorably since 1980 and then in 2001 the trend reverses.
Gracie would shout and clap her little hands together, and all would beam and grin until darkness inexorably fell.
But it was falling gradually and inexorably over nothing save this one tiny creature cawing in the wind above a great wasteland that was the world.