Silence fell in the office, except for the hum of the clock.
Most of his hair fell like a black dream around all that white, except for a braid on one side.
Sudden silence fell along the feast table, except for the sound of two more chairs in motion.
The room quickly fell silent except for the ringing of an unanswered telephone.
All fell into the last three categories in the list below (except for a few for which this information is unknown).
After he left, the house fell silent except for the occasional groan of old wood.
The door closed and the room fell silent except for the gentle sound of spring rain.
The whole table fell silent except for one person, who was laughing uproariously because after all, he made the joke.
The bridge fell silent except for the soft hum of machinery.
Dead silence fell, except for the shuffling of a few feet as men drew back.