Analysts noted that the number of individuals receiving unemployment benefits fell during the week ended May 23.
Bond markets heard the same happy song, with yields falling steadily during the week.
Hynix shares fell 11.6 percent during the last week.
The Dow is also now below the level it fell to during the week ending April 14.
Typically, since July 4 often fell during the week, the broadcast would not air the same day the race was held.
The currency, the rupiah, has fallen 20 percent during the last week.
If the saint's day falls during the week, it is moved to the following Sunday.
So when one's birthday falls during the week, it's best to celebrate the following weekend.
The Nikkei index fell to 24,165.76 during the week, from 26,786.72 the week before.
Oil futures fell by more than 4 percent in New York during the week.