It had fallen 11 percent during the last two months of 1995.
Half of Britain's estate agents saw prices fall during the last three months.
But their numbers fell sharply, to 74,000, during the first six months of this year, from 135,792 in the same period in 1999.
The country's GDP fell 27% during the first four months of 2003, and it cost the oil industry $13.3bn.
Unit labor costs rose by 1.8 percent after falling during the previous six months.
Temperatures fall during the dry months with sunny days and mild nights.
Brazil's average monthly trade surplus has fallen from more than $1 billion to between $150 million and $200 million during the last four months.
The exports fell a percentage point during the first two months of 1990, to $876 million, compared with the same period a year ago.
Snow falls in the winter for an average of 17 days during the coldest months.
Those numbers have already been falling during the last several months.