If I seem to suggest that things fell into place for us conveniently, that is only because my staff arranged it so.
When the heart jack fell conveniently, he had made his impossible contract.
When the jack fell conveniently he had 11 tricks, making his redoubled game.
Clubs were continued, and South made 12 tricks when the heart queen fell conveniently.
However, the states of some matter do not fall conveniently into these categories.
The contract was now safe, and he made an overtrick when the diamond 10 fell conveniently.
And if the queen did not fall conveniently, there would still have been chances.
The spade jack fell conveniently, and each pair collected 4,747 points.
If he plays diamonds, the jack falls conveniently on the third round and all is well.
Clearly South has excellent chances if the club queen falls conveniently.