The arms of D'Artagnan fell powerless by his side.
It could have been the very afternoon that Alice fell asleep by her sister's side.
Many times he lifted his hand to knock on the door, only to let it fall silently by his side.
I traced her skin with my fingertips as she fell asleep by my side, trying to hold on to the still perfection of the moment.
Vinny fell back during the workout with Dolvett by his side encouraging him.
His arm fell downward by his side; he turned; and moved towards them with a steady step, the man he had been before.
She tried to raise her hand, but felt it fall loosely by her side.
Nothing could stay us: a boy fell by my side with an arrow thrilling in his breast, but his brother never once looked round.
Her arm fell inert by her side, but mine tingled to the shoulder.
He pattered down the steps and fell to his knees by her side.