However, as fall approaches, night frost becomes the rule, and winters can sometimes be quite severe.
Things are quite different as fall approaches, for the pole-facing slopes remain in the shade all day.
As fall approaches, the needles turn golden until they fall off.
But its credit rating is low, and without a budget, it will not be able to continue living on loans as the fall approaches.
You have been here from late spring, and now the end of fall approaches.
Tokyo is a splendid place for a visit as fall approaches.
As fall approaches, the adult leafhoppers migrate back to the foothill and begin the process again.
As fall approaches, thus, the temptation - particularly for those, like this reporter, new to Italy - is to fall back on the trusted favorites.
"As fall approaches, we go crazy building up inventory to meet the demand," he said.
For as fall 1990 approaches, form becomes a matter of wearing careless-looking clothing well.