Instead, he was guarding these fake gems as carefully as if they were real ones.
The purchaser of the fake gems will be Dawson Canonby.
She was wearing a jacket with big multicolored fake gems.
It is of interest to glassworkers or historians seeking to understand the manufacture of ancient glass or fake gems adorning various pieces of goldsmith's work.
If Claudia objected, he'd offer to replace her fake gems with real ones.
Her eyes glittered like fake gems.
When I've finished this portrait, those fake gems will look as real to Walstead as any he ever saw.
He was working in a hospital morgue then, and she was setting fake gems in costume jewelry at some factory.
Since taking over at Chanel, Lagerfeld has created a craze for Chanel-like pearls, big brooches and cuff bracelets studded with fake gems.
Analisa stood out like a rare diamond in a handful of fake gems.