She was also famous for drawing long, fake eyelashes under her bottom lashes.
The people who went "eh" when they saw her must love silicon, 4 inches of make-up and fake eyelashes.
During the chorus, Kelis is seen against a white backdrop with large fake eyelashes as she waves her hands to the music.
Certainly, this is a culture that thrives on fake eyelashes.
"Come in," she said, blinking a heavy fringe of fake eyelashes.
When women around here say they need a fill, they're talking not about silicone but about fake eyelashes.
They had fake eyelashes and her hair was slicked back.
She bounced over wearing nothing but a short sequined miniskirt and long fake eyelashes.
She lowered the fake eyelashes at him, granting him permission.
She watched him change shape, lips curving, fake eyelashes shielding her dark brown eyes.