All this time, you had the fake Rolex and you didn't even know it.
If it came with only the option for an i3 or something, then it would be a fake Rolex...
If you've ever bought a fake Rolex on the streets of New York, you know the feeling.
He grinned, flashing rings and a fake Rolex as he swept arms open wide, the pistol beneath his jacket peeking out.
I shot my sleeves a couple of times, showing off my fake Rolex.
After a while, I felt pretty stupid staring at the digital face and comparing it with the sweep of the second hand on my fake Rolex.
No one sidled up to him on 42nd Street in Manhattan and sold him baseball's version of a fake Rolex.
Listen to the story of the friend who came for a visit wearing a fake Rolex.
I wanna get lost in a lady market and buy fake Rolex.
When someone makes a fake Rolex, they make it as close as possible to match the original.