Only by faithfully fulfilling our stewardship responsibilities can we expect to remain the majority party.
The tradition of Tzedakah and Chesed faithfully fulfilled by Wendy, is a legacy of a woman who imbued her family with profound values.
Morris faithfully fulfilled his ministry until his death in 1964.
Yet he faithfully fulfilled official duties, and in 1821 was elected to the United States Senate.
This he faithfully fulfilled in Ireland, and then stripping himself of all earthly goods he retired for a time to a small island in the ocean.
After entering into this compact, they faithfully fulfilled it, with Wilfrid providing the exile with all kinds of aid.
The promise which Israel made to Ruth at her death, that Naomi should not lack for love and tending, he faithfully fulfilled.
She faithfully and diligently fulfilled her tenyear service to the Board in 2000.
"Tell me if you have a First Law objection of fulfilling that instruction faithfully."
There is nothing which sets the character of a nation in a higher or lower light with others, than the faithfully fulfilling, or perfidiously breaking, of treaties.