Her wicked family grows envious and throws her into a well, which links the fairytale world and the real world.
From then on, the sisters have been inseparable; making polarizing, genre-breaking music that gives the listener a glimpse into their fairytale world.
It depicts the fairytale world of a child in which his toys come to life and, eventually, abduct him to some other dimension.
Dewy lives in a mythical fairytale world protected by the Tree of Seven Colors.
But then, this is a fairytale world, inhabited by fairytale people.
When they told me who my character in the fairytale world is, it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
The album featured artwork by the legendary artist Hans Arnold, depicting the members of the band in a fairytale world.
Madam President, across Europe, governments and public institutions are facing up to the need for cuts, but this Parliament continues to live in a fairytale world.
We were living in a fairytale world.
The Broken Goddess follows a fairytale researcher on a journey from reality into a fairytale world.