Even if players become available, very few clubs have a fairy godfather to take care of things.
He just said, "Call me your fairy godfather.' "
We have no fairy godfather or fairy godmother who will come along and give some money.
This fairy godfather, Maggie thought as she went to answer, wouldn't make his entrance with angel dust and colored lights.
He was the fairy godfather of five-year old Barnaby.
"I'm the fairy godfather, and I'm here to put the bling back in this old pumpkin."
The strip ended when Barnaby finally reached his sixth birthday, the magical point beyond which he could no longer have a fairy godfather.
"Are you my fairy godfather or something?"
She had lost the great provider-the fairy godfather who had found her in rags and taken her to the ball.
Who are you, Ed, besides my fairy godfather?