More than 100 fairly inexpensive rooms and apartments are available long-term.
Trips are fairly inexpensive, ranging from $16 to $100 a day including meals and equipment.
You can buy young plants, which are fairly inexpensive, but may take a few seasons to grow to their full potential.
It is the final year of his contract, which after a lucrative first few years has made him fairly inexpensive ($704,000).
Heat is fairly inexpensive to employ with the use of a boiler.
The restaurants are fairly inexpensive and quite good, particularly the many ethnic ones.
The disk is fairly inexpensive and can be replaced easily.
Those who do know that a simple, fairly inexpensive wine is often more fun to drink.
If you pay for a year, it's fairly inexpensive.
Pier 1 has made its name in fairly inexpensive wicker.