It has a fair cross-section of shops selling fashion, books, military models and bathroom smellies.
The women, who ranged in age from 16 to 40, were a fair cross-section of those who seek abortions nationwide.
Most important of all the ship's library contains a fair cross-section of our culture.
The law requires that jury pools represent a fair cross-section of the community; it does not require that jurors be peers of defendants.
In short, a pretty fair cross-section of humanity.
Nor does the Sixth Amendment's "fair cross-section" requirement require this.
The Court had come the closest to articulating a "fair cross-section of the community" doctrine in Smith v. Texas (1940).
He contends that this violates a defendant's right to "a jury that's drawn from a fair cross-section of the community."
Probably our library subscribers were a fair cross-section of London's reading public.
The author calls this a "fair cross-section" of the city.