Beneath the soles of his high sea boots was a moss carpet, its green only faintly touched with brown.
The blackness to which it shaded was ever so faintly touched with silver-a disk more hinted at than seen; the new Earth in the old Earth's arms.
On a head only faintly touched by silver at the temples shone the State Crown of Gwynedd, with its motif of oak leaves and crosses intertwined.
Above them loomed Troy's famous gate, only faintly touched by ember-light, the watchtowers on either side jutting like great square tombstones.
Fenwick's rig sat beyond the camp, its gleaming sides faintly touched by firelight.
Once again, the triple viewscreen was slaved to the musonar, one showing the distant starscape only faintly touched with music, the other showing a maze of multicolored lines.
In pockets of sun, flowers bloomed-mostly white, faintly touched on petal tip with either rose or a green-yellow, so perfect one might have thought them fashioned from gems.
The surrounding peaks were high - higher probably than the mountains to the west, but their upper slopes were only faintly touched with snow.
When the Sariska Palace was converted to a hotel, very little seems to have been changed, least of all the hunting lodge atmosphere, faintly touched by something baronially Scottish.
The head is whitish, faintly touched with brown above.