But there was nothing on the desk or in the house even faintly resembling a book about the law.
The barn dance has, at first, only the more general ironic meaning of, for instance, the cafe music in Wozzeck (which it faintly resembles).
It occurred to me that there had always been something faintly resembling an offbeat scoutmaster about the Monk.
Whatever the characters might be, they had been graven millions of years before the first thing even faintly resembling man had walked upon the earth.
Still, it was unnerving talking with an intelligent being without anything even faintly resembling a face.
The place no longer even faintly resembled that old city.
Nothing faintly resembling the bridge was visible yet.
The nix gloated, now faintly resembling a satyr.
Between the faults, the small stars, and the sledges of death, the area's topography only faintly resembled what it had been.
But we found nothing, no one faintly resembling the subject in question.