All they could see with their night vision was each other, the warm bodies glowing faintly red.
Sunlight, still faintly red with dawn, fell on the camp.
Even she could see that it glowed faintly red at its edges.
Within seconds some of the smaller twigs were glowing faintly red.
In certain specimens the upper pitchers may be faintly red speckled.
But farther still, beyond the shoulder of the hill, the sky glowed faintly red.
Behind, it was faintly red with fire of pine-needles ignited by the rockets.
Her skin seemed faintly red in the dimmer light; she had been so close to the graveling.
His eyes had betrayed a faintly red cast that night she saw him heal, but nothing like this inhuman fire.
It glowed faintly red over an area a hundred feet across.