The thought was like a smell that is both endearing and faintly embarrassing.
It was faintly embarrassing to know that Roarke could buy everything in the place, and the building it was housed in.
Previously his status was what had once been called a "national treasure", which he found faintly embarrassing.
Their language seemed dated, musty and faintly embarrassing, and I quickly switched back to "Extra."
Just weeks ago, I considered marriage education a faintly embarrassing process.
"Game Boy and PlayStation aren't just a faintly embarrassing part of the economic landscape," they write.
Laurent found the whole situation faintly embarrassing.
It is hard to imagine an appreciation of serious poetry being deepened among readers who witness these faintly embarrassing speech acts.
It is meant to be a great honor, but is often considered faintly embarrassing.
It was clearly a woman's house without being in the least frilly, but one part of it was faintly embarrassing.