Now imagine that the grass and weeds are transparent, faint rainbows twinkling here and there, and that a low, unmoving ground fog enshrouds them all.
The only clue to the fakery was the faint shimmering rainbows that arched across the farther distances. . . .
The alternating faint rainbows are caused by interference between rays of light following slightly different paths with slightly varying lengths within the raindrops.
Steadily the colour gathered, mysteriously, from nowhere, it took presence upon itself, there was a faint, vast rainbow.
There was even, he noticed, a faint rainbow glistening over the Devon hills.
And high above a faint rainbow reached across the sky.
When Wesley Crusher entered the Farmer holodeck, the sunlit meadows were still wet from morning rain and a faint rainbow stretched across the sky.
And once he saw a glorious dance of the aurora borealis-in all the colours of a faint rainbow.
She gazed up at Luthia's clear ceiling, starlight refracting through the panels, spraying faint rainbows on volcanic rock facades adorning the surrounding buildings.
The sun winked past James's shoulder, our sun, a bright dot that diffracted into faint splintered rainbows when I moved my head.