His tone was tolerant, more than anything, and Jian felt a faint pang of what might have been jealousy.
The sight, with its underlying echo of marital devotion, gave him a faint and unexpected pang.
The sun was halfway down the sky before faint pangs of hunger began to stir.
A faint far pang of alarm quivered suddenly at the back of his brain.
And oddly, the realization gave Jeanette a faint pang of guilt.
When the first faint pangs of hunger started up I went in search of a meal.
Somehow there was a wrongness to that, and Kellen felt a faint pang of alarm.
But not long enough to heal without scars, Kellen thought with a faint pang of fear.
With a faint pang of regret, Amanda felt him drop behind her.
I do,' Caroline admitted, holding the warm little body against her and experiencing a faint, inexplicable pang at the other girl's words.