Israel holds him responsible for a failed mortar attack on a Jewish settlement in Gaza and for unrealized plans to kidnap senior Israeli military officials.
Islamic rebels also continued to mount failed attacks against the military factory, in attempts to capture it.
Two days later, a failed attack on a steamer resulted in another depth charging of U-17, this time by an Orfeo-class torpedo boat.
Three battleships were sunk during a failed British and French naval attack on the Dardanelles.
It was one of the components of the 6th Army during its failed attack on Stalingrad.
A statement issued by the militant group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for his failed attack.
Apart from a failed German attack on 15 June, the sector was relatively quiet for the next two weeks.
It should not take a failed terrorist attack for this Administration to realize that releasing terrorists endangers American lives.
A suicide bomber launches a failed attack in Baquba, north of Baghdad, killing himself but inflicting no other casualties.
Also, a failed attack has the chance of disorienting the attacker, causing them to become even slower for a short time.