Even worse, Prokopius failed to join him with his army, for unknown reasons.
It was bad enough that a system manufactured here on his world seemed to have failed for unexplained reasons.
This story might have been rich with dramatic irony, but it fails for several reasons.
Several different plans were presented to restart the business, but all failed for various reasons.
Sporadic attempts made in the following year also failed for similar reasons.
This particular rebellion failed for several reasons, most of which have something to do with its Kizilbash character.
A backup alarm system also failed for reasons that were unclear yesterday, the chief said.
Both agree that the position "collapses," though they think it fails for different reasons.
There have been many attempts over the years to open a market in the town, but they have all failed for various reasons.
Of course, no two millionaire candidates are exactly alike, and they fail for different reasons.