The ancient oil lamps hanging from the overhead beams gave the smoky air a comfortable golden haze, like a fading photograph or a half-forgotten memory.
She looks at the fading photographs in their dusty frames, the dead men and women with their metallic Zeiss eyes.
Michael Fredericks plays Frank, a man who carries the past with him like a torn fading photograph.
Framed fading photographs on his walls showed a young Valentine with the biceps and pectorals of a giant, a prize-winning wielder of brute power with the wide happy grin of an innocent.
When they examine a fading photograph of Marty with his siblings, they learn Marty has prevented his parents from meeting, jeopardizing his family's existence.
Fifty yards from the perimeter of the blocks he took over a tilting bunker, and pinned the fading photograph of the blonde-haired so I45 child to the wall beside the door.
Strapped by wires to one side is a fading photograph of his son, Jonathan L. Ielpi, a firefighter who died in the attack.
A large fading photograph of Martin Luther King hung crookedly on the back wall.
We become a few fading photographs in an album.
In a fading photograph a sailor stood at the stern of a departing ship, staring over the railing back towards the port.