Though it was still daylight, he seemed to fade beneath the shadowy fronts of old buildings.
Number 46 was like all the others, its white paint dull and faded beneath layers of exhaust grime.
Wedge's surprise at being asked to represent the Vratix immediately faded beneath a sense of disaster.
Now, slowly, let the light fade and see again the peaceful lake beneath it.
Colour and detail faded rapidly beneath the first wash of snow.
The crater faded away beneath them as they roared over the hilly terrain.
The words faded away beneath the images forming in Eric's mind, the still photographs changing to visions of people, alive and vibrant.
Shortly afterward, the writing began to fade from the sheet of paper beneath the light.
Sabriino felt his own dragon begin to fade beneath him.
His sudden determination faded beneath the glorious light of her wondrous beauty.