In this case involving a murder suspect, Hyman found the individual factually innocent.
We will never know if they are factually innocent and have no effective means to answer the question of factual innocence.
During the hearing, he did not admit guilt and argued that he is "factually innocent."
She was later declared factually innocent in legal proceedings.
Petitioned criminal court which found them factually innocent, ordered the arrest record sealed and destroyed.
He said Corporal Thomas was "legally not guilty and factually innocent."
As he was not declared factually innocent, a new trial could have been ordered, but this was a practical impossibility given the passage of time.
They are thus legally guilty even though they say they were factually innocent.
Almost no one denies that about 30 factually innocent people have been freed from death row.
"She was factually innocent, but there was a legal basis for her guilt," Mr. Serra said.