South of the river in Lambeth and Southwark further east, rows of factory smokestacks and great construction cranes jutted into the sky.
How about factory smokestacks and other signs of industry?
Precisionism, a style prominent in the 1920's and 30's, exalted sleek industrial shapes like factory smokestacks and industrial complex.
Toxic air pollutants that can cause cancer or other serious illness still seep from factory smokestacks and vents.
An orange glow spread along the horizon, molten light against which the factory smokestacks stood in charcoal silhouette like the minarets of hell.
The dwarf eventually commits suicide in a factory smokestack while his family is sundered.
In "Black Cloud" (1996), a dark-colored slip flies high above lowering factory smokestacks.
The countryside is dotted with factory smokestacks, but few were smoking; by some estimates, factories are running at only 50 percent or 60 percent of capacity.
The scenery of the eastern plateau went from largely agricultural to a vast area of factory smokestacks and high-rise housing.
But the factory smokestacks billow steamy plumes that dissolve into the atmosphere, adding to the visual sensation.