It was reported that another gust of wind caught the parachute and she fell from the factory roof sustaining serious injuries.
American Apparel installed a 146 kilowatt solar electric system on its factory roof, designed to reduce power costs by at least 20%.
Gulping fresh air into his lungs for a moment, he then rolled down the slight slope of the factory roof to the rear.
The same Army Cobra was hovering over the factory roof.
Flames were wavering high above the factory roof.
What if it was your child being worked to the bone and made to feel so dehumanised he hurled himself from the factory roof?
Standing on the factory roof, after his first day's work, Tom was already on duty as a fire watcher.
The factory roof was very broad and slightly domed in the middle.
One wing came off, and the factory roof caught fire.
Assume that the siren on a factory roof is wailing continuously, all on one note.