A Chinese radio correspondent objected that this would be inconsistent with the idea of making factories pay their own way.
The factory paid him by the number of pieces he finished, so he didn't make very much money.
The company also has raised the average worker's salary to $150 a month - above what most factories pay before overtime in Guangdong.
But the factory told them that the work was not of export quality and paid them nothing.
The economics depend partly on how much the factory pays for the coal or natural gas.
The factory hired them from a distant place and paid their way here, but how do I know what happens if they want to go home?
In 2005, it was announced that three factories paid for infrastructure costs on 12 dunams.
The factory must pay all employees a living wage.
You don't have full disclosure of what's found, and it doesn't require that factories pay a living wage.
In addition, the factory must pay pensions and provide housing for 4,100 retired workers.