Many workers were also horribly maimed by dangerous factory machinery.
"The one you sent to me, asking me to confer with you about changing the design of your factory machinery."
This shift, from exporting consumer goods to exporting parts and factory machinery, has been taking place in Japanese industry as a whole.
If you receive old factory machinery, always ask whether it has ever used any radioactive sources.
Soviet industry makes vast quantities of factory machinery, but, for some equipment, what is not antiquated is in short supply.
Clifton had paid Paine to cripple the factory machinery.
Moreover, some factory machinery had bolts that might be counterfeit and too weak at high temperatures.
Only cars, computers and factory machinery would be excluded.
The worker's dress became tangled in factory machinery, and money she had sewn into her hem spilled onto the floor.
And "outsiders" would have to buy their factory machinery from North American companies.